Trustees & Governors

Welcome from our Chair of Governors

Dear Parents, Carers and Students

Welcome from the Governors of Chase High School.

As Chair of the Local School Committee of Chase High School, and on behalf of all the Governors, I am delighted to welcome you to our website, and our school. Alongside the Headteacher and all the staff, we are proud to play our part in the continued success of the school. Working in partnership with Discovery Educational Trust, we are building on the successes already recognised by OFSTED whilst meeting the challenges of the new academic year and the drive to continue moving forward.
As we add to our academic and extracurricular opportunities, we believe that Chase High School is the “go to” choice for developing the potential of all young people. As both a parent and a Governor, I understand the value of parent/school partnerships and would urge parents and carers to work with the school to ensure that all our young people make the most of these opportunities and continue to develop to their full potential.

We have a very strong team of Governors, who work hard to ensure that we provide the very best education and learning environment possible. Our Local School Committee consists of parents, teachers and representatives of the community with experience in education, finance, local government, commerce and industry. It is a great privilege to be the Chair of Governors at Chase High School and along with my fellow Governors, I look forward to both supporting and being a critical friend to the school.

Of course, visiting a website isn’t quite like the real thing so I hope that by visiting this site you are encouraged to make a personal visit to our school, where I know that the staff and students will make you feel welcome.

If you have any questions regarding the role of the Local School Committee, or indeed would like to consider supporting the Local School Committee as a Governor yourself, then please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school.

Yours faithfully

Arthur Evans
Chair of Governors


To contact the Chair of Governors or any member of the Local School Committee, please write to the Chair of Governors at the school address.


Chase High School Local School Committee

Arthur Evans Chair of Governors/Co-opted Governor
Ellen Garrett Co-opted Governor
Samantha Harding Staff Governor
Liam Maher Co-opted Governor
Emma Mulford Staff Governor
Tamkeen Shaikh Parent Governor
Matthew Suttenwood Headteacher


Governor resignations during Academic Year 2023/24:

Allison Bale – Resignation Date: 29 November 2023

Maggie Jones – Resignation Date: 25 November 2023

Jonathan Leitch – Resignation Date: 26 April 2024

Vanessa Love – Resignation Date: 13 November 2023

Stuart McLaughlin – Resignation Date: 15 October 2023

Roshna Miah – Resignation Date: 10 June 2024