Career Support

Post 16 students receive one-to-one guidance and support throughout the time of their chosen study programme. This allows students to fully explore all pathways prior to completion of their course. These include university, higher apprenticeship and employment opportunities.

"Pupils benefit from a well-considered programme of careers education. This includes providing pupils in Year 8 to 13 with impartial advice about approved technical qualifications and apprenticeships" 
Ofsted 2022

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

At Chase High School, we are committed to providing good quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and work-related learning (WRL) for all students in Year Groups 12, 13 and 14. We measure ourselves using the Gatsby Benchmarks which is a Careers Benchmark Tool implemented by the DfE. The eight benchmarks provide us with a framework that helps us to identify our strengths and areas that we can develop.

The careers programme combines career planning lessons, skills workshops, one-to-one independent careers guidance, mentoring, online career information resources and a wide range of events and activities, including: sector career talks, employer visits, careers fair, inspirational speakers, enterprise activities, career advice evenings and work experience.


Our Careers Assistant, Lauri Procter, leads, facilitates and promotes our careers programme throughout the school. Lauri Procter is part of the steering group at the Local Authority for Careers Enterprise through the area. Our school is recognised as a lead within the area.

Lauri Procter, Careers Assistant

Telephone: 01702 419977
