
Homework Policy

Homework can make an important contribution to the learning process and contributes to the development of self-directed learning. It is the policy at Chase High School to set homework on a regular basis to build on what is being taught in lessons at school.


Homework may take the form of a variety of tasks with a range of purposes, including:

Students in these years are not expected to spend more than 40 minutes on any one piece of homework. The number of pieces given per fortnight is as follows:

  • English, Mathematics and Science = 2 pieces

  • Geography, History, R.E., French and IT = 1 piece

Students in Year 7 will be given less homework during their first few weeks at the school, and will be offered guidance to help them to manage their homework.

With examination courses, greater flexibility is required due to the nature of coursework deadlines. Students will not be required to follow a prescriptive timetable, but are advised to study for a maximum of 2 hours per night for 5 nights per week.

Each subject, including options, will set one piece of homework per week. The only exception is for students taking triple science who may be required to complete homework in more than one of the sciences each week.

Creative Arts and Technology subjects set homework as required for the courses.


A new way to record, track and monitor homework